How to care for Easter cactus | Growing Easter cactus in a container

How to care for Easter cactus | Growing Easter cactus in a container

Easter cactus (Spring cactus)

Know how to care for Easter cactus, growing Easter cactus in a container,  the Easter cactus (Raptisalidopsis) enhances the beauty of your garden with attractive bright colors, it gives you flowers abundantly from March to May. The flowers of the star of Easter cactus bloom with the sunrise and close at sunset, these flowers bloom for a few weeks.

The holiday cactus such as Christmas and Easter Cactus are Brazilian forest hybrids cactus, these plants bloom in a certain time of the year, due to which it is known by the holiday designation. These are unusual plants to decorate the house.

About thanksgiving cactus

Usually, Holiday cactus bloom during purchase time and there are gifts for holiday days. The color of its flowers is usually white to red, orange, lavender, and pink. After flowering, there is an interesting appeal in the plant, called this section, this section gives birth to new development. There are no spines as the desert cactus, but there is a soft node of the edges of leaves.

One possible theory is that it is difficult to hold the Easter cactus. But in some special situations, it can be recovered. However, depending on the principles given by nature bring, you can avoid frustration.

Classification holiday cactus

Scientific name                   Raptisalidopsis

Common name                   Easter Cactus, Holiday cactus, Thanksgiving cactus,

Plant type                            Succulent

Sun required                        Average sun

Soil                                         Well-drained potting soil

Soil PH                                  6.0-7.0

Flower color                          white to red, orange, peach, lavender, pink

Blooming Time                    March and April

Zone                                       9-12

Easter cactus

Growing Easter cactus in a container

Choose container

For spring cactus, usually 6 and 8 “are sold in utensils, this is a long-lived living houseplant when you get old, it reaches 2 ‘x 2’, at this time you can re-pot in a large container.


Holiday cactus prefers bright natural light and good sunlight. The more hot sun burns the leaves of spring cactus. You can put these near the windows where it gets lots of light. When they grow out they prefer bright shadow.


Spring cactus grows on other plants, rocks, and barks in their natural environment, they do not grow in soil. In the garden, the rotten leaf blossom, or blooms in the debris. From this, it seems that these cacti prefer crunchy growing mixes, which are also rich. You can also use coco coir and cactus mix with manure.


Thanksgiving cactus can tolerate a wide range of temperatures. If your home is comfortable to stay, it will be easier for your Easter cactus also, and if your home is hot, the blooming period will be quicker. Keep these plants away from any heater, or any cold draft. The temperature between 45 and 55 degrees Fahrenheit is best for blossoming. In the temperate season, you can extend them all year round. Read more.


Spring cactus are different from the deserts cacti, they grow on other plants, rocks, and barks in their natural environments. They do not grow in the soil, it means their roots need to breathe. So you need to give your cactus good water, it is also important to get the well-drainage. Before watering, make sure the surface of the pot has dried up. Do not keep the roots consistently moist, otherwise, the root of the plant will rot. How to water the houseplant, see. Give Easter water to the cactus when it blooms.

How to care for Easter cactus

  • Always keep Easter cactus in a place where the bright and indirect light comes. According to me a sunny window may be a better place for this. You protect your plants from heat, air conditioners, open doors, and more ventilated windows.
  • Avoid giving it a deep shadow and direct sunlight for a long time. Keeping it in deep shadow will reduce its growth and produce small flowers, while the color of the leaves will become red due to the sharp sunlight.
  • Easter cactus grows very easily in the USDA zone 9-12 areas and it is easy to plant it at home.
  • Holiday cactus requires high humidity, so water the plant every day. You can keep your plant in a humid room such as a kitchen or bathroom.
  • If the potting surface of the Easter cactus is dry, then give it water. Water deeply until the water from the lower surface of the container starts coming out. Water should be well-drained out of the container, arrange good drainage. Remember, the potting mixture is neither completely dry nor soggy.
  • Use 10-10-10 soluble fertilizer for your thanksgiving cactus plant once a month, for this you add one tablespoonful fertilizer to gallon water and feed it. Pour it into the plant’s potting mixer slowly.
  • Spring cactus enters a dormant period in mid-September, at this time stop feeding it and reduce the amount of water. Place the plant in a dark room where the temperature is 55 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit. When the situation is normal, return the plant.
  • Re-pot this plant every three to four years. An Easter cactus grows well when its roots are slightly crowded. While repotting, make the drainage hole well in the pot and fill with a commercial potting mixture for cacti.

Propagation Easter cactus

If there is a 3-inch long segment in any of the planting areas, then you can use it for propagation.  Thanksgiving cactus plant the small ends of the segment in shallow, moist perlite, routing is possible in 3 to 4 weeks. Allow cutting within 48 hours.

Useful potting mixture for cacti

1 part sterile potting soil

2 parts peat moss

1 part builder’s sand or perlite

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Pests problem Spring cactus

Mealybugs and scale insects typically tend to bother in those plants that are growing inside the home, rather than the outside plants. Occasionally there is a problem of fungi, and if the plants are severely suffering then keep it out immediately. Use the pesticides used for succulent plants, be sure to read the instructions written before use.

  • Thanksgiving cactus plant is not toxic to people, cats, or dogs.


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