Follow me Balsam Flower (Garden Balsam) Growing and caring for balsam flower (Impatiens balsamina) is easy and rewarding, as this annual plant adds vibrant color

Black eyed susan Growing and Caring tips | Rudbeckia hirta
Follow me Black eyed susan (Rudbeckia hirta) Black eyed susan (Rudbeckia hirta) are robust and versatile perennials known for their vibrant yellow petals and dark

How to grow King’s Mantle in India- Thunbergia erecta care
Follow me King’s Mantle (Thunbergia erecta) King’s Mantle, or Thunbergia erecta, is a beautiful, evergreen flowering shrub native to tropical Africa. It’s appreciated for its

How to grow Coriander in pots | Growing Cilantro (Dhania) in India
Follow me Coriander and Cilantro Cilantro, also known as coriander or Chinese parsley, can be used in Indian, Chinese, and Thai cuisine. Both the fresh

Orange Flowers | 15 popular types of orange flowers
Follow me Orange Flowers Orange flowers are vibrant and striking, bringing color to gardens, bouquets, and landscapes. These orange flowers can add warmth and vibrancy

Growing and Caring for Chamomile Plants | Matricaria chamomilla
Follow me Chamomile Plants (Matricaria chamomilla) Chamomile is a delightful herb known for its daisy-like flowers and calming properties, often used in teas and natural

Tips on care for Blue Daze Plant (Evolvulus)
Follow me Blue Daze Plant (Evolvulus) Growing and caring for Blue Daze plant (Evolvulus nuttallianus) is a rewarding experience, as these lovely plants produce stunning,

Growing ornamental purslane flowers during the summer (Portulacaceae)
Follow me Purslane flowers (Portulacaceae) Purslane (Portulacaceae) are attractive flowering plants with lush leaves, they are easy to grow due to their low maintenance and

How to Grow Lobelia Plant | Growing Lobelia In Containers
Follow me Lobelia Plant With 415 species, Lobelia is one of the most diverse plant genera in the world, primarily found in tropical and warm

Caring Tips for Vanda Orchids | Growing Vandas
Follow me Vanda Orchid Plant (Vandas) It is best known for producing blue blossoms, though Vanda orchids (Vandas) also produce several other shades. They have