8 Climber Plants for Wall Décor
As climbers develop tendrils or suckers for anchorage or twine themselves around their props, they develop tendril or sucker anatomy. It is possible to tie the stems of these shrubs so that they extend in a desired direction, even though their natural growth tends to extend in all directions. Climbers are great additions to landscaped gardens because they blur hard lines, soften hard cape walls, and boost the space’s color and beauty. We are telling you about 8 climber plants which are perfect for your garden.
See our other climber plants for detailed information.
How to Grow and Care Bleeding Hearts plant.
Growing Golden Trumpet vine in your garden.
Mansoa alliacea vine Growing and care tips.
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Blue Morning Glory
An evergreen vine whose striking blue-purple trumpet-shaped flowers are accompanied by dark-green velvety heart-shaped leaves and a slender twining stem is also called the blue dawn flower or koali awa. The plant produces a fragile new bloom every day during the spring, summer, and autumn. It requires full sunlight, well-drained soil, and regular watering while growing.

This low-maintenance vine can be identified by its flamboyant clusters of brightly colored bracts (specialized leaves). The tiny white flowers are contained within the bract clusters. Upon closer inspection, the heavily thorned branches are evident. Blossoms of bougainvillea, in magenta, pink, red, orange, yellow, or white, create a splash of color. The type of soil and amount of sunlight this plant needs are important considerations. You should water it regularly initially in order for it to grow steadily, but you should give it an occasional good, deep watering to prevent overwatering.

Calico Flower
This plant is also called the Pipevine, and it belongs to the Birthwort family. Native to South America, it is known botanically as Aristolochia elegans. It is a tough evergreen vine with beautiful and bright heart-shaped leaves, and it boasts unusual flowers. As this vine climbs, it intertwines gracefully in tight coils around any support and grows to around 10-15 ft in height. There are three types of flowers on the vine during the summer.

Star Jasmine
It is an evergreen climber with a fragrance that is similar to jasmine, but it is not a true jasmine. On woody stems with shiny green foliage, white flowers appear. Late spring and summer are the best times to see these five-petalled flowers. It prefers well-drained soil and medium watering despite being a hardy, winter-tolerant plant.

Flame Vine
As the climber envelops garden features like pergolas, it creates a fiery orange curtain of tubular clusters of its many blossoms. In January-February, the climber is at its peak. Having been established in full sun to partial shade, this vine will flourish and is extremely drought tolerant. It is necessary to prune flame vine annually to remove dead wood and after flowering in order to maintain its shape.

Bengal clock vine
There are beautiful trumpet-shaped blue flowers borne in long clusters on the Bengal clock vine, which is perennial and has dense foliage. Plants with rope-like stems, also known as Bengal trumpets and blue skyflowers, usually twine only clockwise; this is the reason for its unusual name. The Bengal clock vine requires little maintenance and is an evergreen shrub. Growing conditions are best when the weather is partly sunny, warm and humid.

Railway creeper
The purple flowers of this common creeper make it a good choice for gardens. A pink-purple starred curtain covers the entirety of the area covered by the vine. After sunset, the flowers fade away. In fact, the vine is a perennial climber that covers an extensive area. The plant’s native range is uncertain, but it is believed to come from a wide area. Its leaves are ovate to orbicular in outline, and it has a tubercle stem and tuberous rootstock. The leaves are three to ten centimeters long and have five to seven lobed edges. Typically, Railway Creeper flowers are carried on pedicels 1.2–3 cm long, with sepals 4.5–6.5 cm long that are mucronate, ovate, and obtuse to acute.

Bleeding Heart Vine
An ornamental blooming vine with bushy green leaves, bleeding heart vines carry ornamental flowers in bi-colored varieties. With five lobes of white petals and petite red flowers, the climber contrasts with the green backdrop, making it extremely charming and picturesque. Flowering occurs prolifically from mid-July through mid-August. The vine thrives when it receives a lot of sunlight and is watered properly.
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