Rose Cactus (Pereskia bleo)
Learn How to grow Rose Cactus, Growing Pereskia bleo in a container, propagation, and more about this plant. You have to think an after listening to the name Rose Cactus, you all know that there are two different plants, Rose and Cacti, but it is a cactus which blooms flower like a rose.
Rose Cactus is an interesting plant with many applications, its leaves are the use of medicinal and the strangely shaped fruit is used for eating. Its leaves can be eaten raw directly; it is also thought that anti-tumors, anti-rheumatic, anti-ulcer, and anti-inflammatory qualities are available in it. Studies showed that bioactive compounds are available to stimulate the death of cancer cells.
Pereskia Bleo is native to South and Central America, in tropical and sub-tropical areas. It is used as a decorative plant. In it, there are deep orange flowers which are pop in cold winter months, and later mature in odd-shaped yellow/orange fruits. They feel waxy in touching the fruits, and there are small and dark seeds inside it. Read more.
Pereskia bleo and Pereskia Grandiflora These are both Scientific names of rose Cactus, in which Bello in Orange and Grandiflora come in Pink color. But the care and growing conditions of both are the same.
Classification pereskia
Scientific name Pereskia bleo
Common name Rose Cactus
Plant type Flower
Sun requires Full Sun/ Partial Sun
Blooming time Warmer months
Flower colors Bright orange, pink
Soil Rich- well-drained soil
Soil pH 5.5-7.0
Zone 9-11

How to grow Rose Cactus
Location and soil
The rich and well-drained soil is best suited for rose cactus. According to the University of Oklahoma, it performs well in a mixture of 2 parts peat moss, 1 part loam, and 2 parts sand or perlite. These plants prefer moisture, especially during the hot months when the plants grow actively, keep the soil moist.
Rose cactus enjoys mixed humidity in the air to some extent. They require good drainage, but keep in mind, Humidity should remain moist in the soil in a warm environment. Keep dry dried in the winter, reduce the water.
Growing condition
It is deciduous in the winter and it shedding leaves and fruits. It grows well in dry conditions. During hot months and development, it needs more water.
Pereskia Bleo can be propagated by seed or cutting, spring is the most suitable time for its seed. Sow its seeds in half a peat and half perlite mixture, and keep the growing medium moist, it condiments well in the presence of moisture. The seed seems to be germinated approximately 21 to 30 days. If you want to develop from cutting, take healthy and young stem cutting. Do not allow to dry cutting for planting, if the plantation is delayed, then press it into a sand or a growing mixture. Protect the cutting from direct sunlight. Rose Cactus is often used as a rootstock for grafting. Read also.
Growing Pereskia bleo in a container
- Pereskia bleo is easy to grow in a container.
- The reasonable size for the plant is approximately 3 feet, especially when it is pruned.
- These are shadow tolerant. But keep the pot on a bright spot.
- With regular fertilizer, you can stimulate blooming.
The caste mainly two species are popular.
Peresciableo and Perecciagrandifolia.Read more.
Generally, flowers like pink, orange rose are used for decoration, which blooms extensively in warmer months. Its fruit can be edible because in this genus many other fruits are edible.
See also: Growing Desert Rose. How to grow Pencil Cactus Plant
Happy Gardening.
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