Pothos varieties (Epipremnum aureum)
The Epipremnum aureum plant is known by many names, in many parts of the Indian subcontinent, it is known as the money plant. People also know it as the devil’s vine or devil’s cry, because it is green even in the dark and it is almost impossible to die. The leaves of the plant are heart-shaped, alternate, long, and broad. Nature Bring is telling you about 10 different types of pothos | Pothos varieties for your garden.
This plant produces new stems while climbing up. These stems take root when they reach the ground and grow along with it.
Scientfic name Epipremnum aureum
Common name Golden, money plant, devil’s ivy, Silver Vine, devil’s vine.
Plant type Houseplant
Sun indirect bright light, shade
Soil well-drained potting soil
Soil pH 6.0 – 6.5
USDA zones 10-12
10 different types of pothos for your garden
Pothos plants are highly versatile and easy to care for. The best thing about the plant is that you have so many varieties to choose from.

1. Golden Pothos
This type of plant is easily available and can be found at local garden centers or nurseries. It is also known as the Devil’s ivy because it is resilient in nature. The Epipremnum aureum is one of the easiest amongst others to grow.
The leaves of the plant are evergreen, waxy, thick, and heart-shaped with golden hues on them. The Epipremnum aureum can climb through the aerial roots and by taking the support of tall trees or cultivated plants in your garden.

2. Jessenia Pothos
The appearance of the Jessenia is somewhat like the Marble Queen, only it has lighter and distinctive limey-green variegation. The leaves are greenish-yellow, spiked, and heart-shaped.
The plant glows slowly due to the lack of chlorophyll. Therefore, doesn’t require repotting soon.

3. Neon Pothos
This kind of variety is unique not only among the Epipremnum aureum but also amongst any other houseplant. Its leaves are bright, heart-shaped, and lime-green color. The budding leaves of the plant have brighter hues on them, while the older leaves have a deep touch of neon to them, hence, the name Neon Pothos.
The striking neon color of the will flourish in bright light. The younger leaves of the plant glow more than the older ones.

4. Marble Queen Pothos
The leaves of this variety are heart-shaped with creamy white color, which adds beauty to the surroundings. The white and dark green texture forms gorgeous variegation.
The process of growing the plant is slow because of the lack of chlorophyll in the leaves.

5. Silver Pothos
Though the plant belongs to a different genus but is still a part of the pothos family. It is also known as the Satin Pothos. The leaves of the plant are elegant, dark green in color with silver edges and spots.
The plant looks beautiful in hanging baskets or spilling out from the pots. The foliage of this variety is smaller than the other types.

6. Pearls and Jade Pothos
This variety is produced by the University of Florida. The leaves are smaller and the white and silver-gray variegation is more on the edges than in the middle.
The dark green leaves with white and silver-gray hues can identify this type of variety of pothos. The plant tends to grow slower.

7. Manjula Pothos
It is also a patented variety that is originally produced by the University of Florida. The texture of the leaves is somewhat similar to the pearls and jade, the only difference being that the leaves have curvy edges and doesn’t lay flat.
Also, the foliage is variegated with silver, white, cream, and green hues.

8. Cebu Blue Pothos
The foliage of the plant has a quite bluish-metallic gleam to them which makes it unique from the other varieties and leaves are arrow-shaped.
The leaves are solid, large, and blue-green in color. It is one of the beautiful varieties of pothos.

9. N-joy Pothos
This type of variety is new with green leaves and are heavily dappled with white. The plant requires light, and the foliage will spread and grow under bright light.
The height of this plant can go up to 10 feet. The N-joy is a vining plant.
10. Hawaiian
This type of variety is amongst the best one because of its resilient nature against diseases. The leaves are large, gold, and green in color which is also beneficial in purifying the surrounding air.
It is a very popular plant and is easy to take care of. You can also display it as a hanging trailing plant.
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