Strange plants (Unusual Houseplants)
09 Strange plants you don’t know | Unusual houseplants. You will get some surprises in the whole nature, just like there are some plants which are surprised to see. Cactus, succulents, houseplants, and flowers have a variety of strange plants, such as Bird’s Nest Fern, Watermelon peperomia, String of Pearls, Prayer plant, etc. These incredible and strange plants create new adventures in your garden. Nature Bring is giving you information about 9 such strange plants.

1. Bird’s Nest Fern
The central part of this plant resembles a bird’s nest so that it is known as Bird’s Nest Fern plant. People also call it crow’s nest fern or mother fern. This plant is found native to temperate regions of East Asia and grows in tree trunks and dark forests in temperate regions of East Asia. The plant is popular for ornamental house plants in the United States and Europe. Bird’s nest fern can tolerate drying soil, it does not require the same level of humidity, which is why it is a popular houseplant. You can grow this plant easily and do not require care like other ferns.

02.Watermelon peperomia
Watermelon peperomia or Peperomia argyreia is a very attractive plant, its leaves resemble melon skin. It is very easy to develop a variety. It is native to South America and is suitable for Australia’s climate and containers. Watermelon Peperomia is a tropical plant, it prefers well-drained soil, indirect sunlight. See detailed information for Peperomia Care and Growing Conditions.

3. Pilea Peperomioides
Pilea Peperomioides is also known as a sugar money plant. If you are fond of indoor plants, Pilea Peperomioides is a good choice. Its shiny pancake-shaped green leaves produce a contrasting color with your white walls, making it look beautiful and attractive. Pilea (sugar money plant) is very easy to promote. It is a pleasure for those who want to become its masters. Pilaya indoor plant, the Chinese money plant is known by many names such as missionary plant, lefse plant, pancake plant, UFO plant (pila peperomyoids), etc. Read more.
04.Oxalis regnellii
Shamrock plants (Oxalis regnellii) are a small species of flowers, whose height does not exceed 6 inches. Its leaves are in many colors, and there are small flowers during fall, winter, and spring. It leaves are three sheets, some people think that this plant is lucky. Its leaves fold into the night and open as the light comes. This is a very nice and simple houseplant. Once you understand the period of inactivity of Oxalis regnellii, then its care becomes easier.

05. String of Pearls
The string of pearls is a beautiful succulent plant, which looks extremely attractive in a hanging basket. This plant grows and spreads quickly, making it easy for you to grow both indoor and outdoor. A temperature of about 72 degrees F is ideal if you place it indoors. Like all succulent plants, it is also drought tolerant. But before planting makes sure that the pot has the appropriate drainage hole, use cacti potting mixture in the pot for planting.
06. Fishbone Cactus
The fishbone cactus (Cryptocereus anthonyanus) is known by many other names, such as rick rag and zigzag cactus. Its leaves look like an alternate pattern of a central spine that resembles a fish skeleton. The plant grows amazingly in organic media and low soil conditions. You can create a thrill by planting this houseplant succulent plant in your garden. You can use this plant for hanging baskets, table displays. This plant has short hair and can give trouble by sticking it in the skin, so wear gloves while planting. Read more.
07. Lifesaver Plant
Its leaves are also like juicy cactus, technically called Huernia zebrina. This home plant is commonly called a lifesaver plant or a lifebuoy plant. It is a small perennial succulent and grows with a characteristic pattern. This amazing plant requires little care but is a little difficult to grow. But you can grow it with suitable soil, proper drainage, and a little care. Read more.
08. Red Aglaonema
This stunning indoor plants has a bright pink stem and red or dark pink color leaves. It develops easily with home care in medium to bright indirect light. This low maintenance houseplant adds extra charm to any part of your home. Read more.

09. Prayer plant
Prayer plant or Maranta Red Prayer plant is said to have its leaves twisted at night. These leaves are light green and soft dark green like feathers with red veins. This plant has colorful foliage and slow growth is an ideal plant for planting indoors, especially near the window.
Prayer plant is an easy plant, you can place it in a sunny window. Moisten the soil once and leave it for a week. These are excellent houseplants that prefer bright, indirect sunlight and high humidity, and less light exposure.
Read also:
09 Houseplants you can totally neglect. Chinese money plants growing tips. 05 Best succulents for your home. How to grow succulents indoors. How to grow Bougainvillea in pots. Growing lucky bamboo, care, and shaping. Growing acre tips for Begonia. Peperomia propagate tips. Pilea peperomioides growing and care tips.
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