Bell Peppers
Learn How to Grow Bell Peppers in containers, Growing Bell Peppers, Bell pepper care, and more in this article. Bell Pepper is known by several names like sweet pepper, pepper, capsicum, Shimla Mirch, etc. It is found in mainly Australia, Canada, Ireland, Singapore, India, Bangladesh, and New Zealand. The plant is produced in different colors, such as green, red, white, yellow, orange, chocolate, Brown, Violet, etc. The ribs and seeds inside bell peppers may be consumed, but some people find the taste to be bitter.
Sweet pepper is a beautiful ornamental vegetable, which comes in bell shapes. Which is known as the capsicum annuum scientifically. Green and violet bell pepper tastes slightly bitter, while red-orange and yellow bell pepper are sweet and fruity. Although Bell peppers are available throughout the year, they are tastier in the summer and early fall months. Below are some tips that you can easily grow bell peppers by implementing a reading nature.
Scientific name Capsicum annuum
Common name Capsicum, Sweet pepper, Shimla Mirch
Plant type Vegetable
Sun required Full Sun
Soil Loamy Soil/ slightly acidic
Soil pH 5.8 -6.5
Zone 1-10
Common names of Capsicum
There are many names of capsicum fruits based on location and type. These are usually called chili peppers, red or green peppers. In the United Kingdom and America, it is called pepper, in America, it is called bell pepper, capsicum in Australia and India, and many other countries it is called paprika, it is called शिमला मिर्च in Hindi.
Growing Bell Peppers
Always growing popular vegetable Sweet pepper in your garden is pride. Growing Bell Pepper is easy to grow with the below steps.
- If you do this by planting the seed the bell pepper, then you start from inside the house. Bell Pepper seeds from the last frost indoors 8 weeks before.
- After seedling keep inside a place where the environment is warm.
- When the soil is completely dry, then it will gradually add water.
- When your plant grows nearly 8 inches long, Keep it outdoors.
- Bell pepper grown is most suitable for the summer season. Healthy Bell Pepper plants are developed only in the summer.
- Get it fixed before growing it to be ready before the frost.
- Sweet pepper-like well-drained loamy soil.
- Prepare the soil by adding plenty of fertilizer and organic manure. Because it requires more fertilizer like spinach.
- Space the seedlings 18 to 24 inches apart in a row.
- If Green Pepper planted near tomatoes is good.
- You must fertilizer when you pick the first crop, which will help you with another crop. Read more.
- When planting the seed, Bell Pepper it 8 days to germinate.
- Prepare the soil with plenty of Organic compost.
- If more amount of nitrogen is in the plant is healthy and bushy green.

Bell pepper care
- For Bell peppers, the well-drained loam soil is the best. These plants require moisture, and to maintain the required mulch or plastic cover around the plants.
- The plant requires regular watering, although it is sensitive to heat, if you live in a very warm environment, then give more water to your routine. By the way, this plant is sufficient for 1 or 2 inches of water a week.
- Feed the plant after the first fruit.
- Plants bell peppers lean over the weight of the fruit, to avoid this you use the trellis or the stake.
- Spray a spoonful of Epsom salt in 1 gallon of water spray to get bigger fruit, spray
- it when the flowers come in the plant, and once again after 10 days.
- Do not use too much nitrogen fertilizer, it will reduce the yield of the fruit.
How to grow Bell Pepper in a container
- Shimla Mirch is very easy to plant in the container, for this, you can either buy the plant from the nursery, or you can develop it by seed. It requires rich soil to be filled in the container, so you use the potting soil. Fill the potting mix in the container for seeding. Keep two or three seeds per peat. Keep moisture until the seed has germinated.
- Choose 14 to 16-inch large containers for planting. Before planting, be sure that the container has a drainage hole or not. If not, make a hole by the drill.
- Add 1-inch thick gravel on the surface under the container, then fill the container with a two-thirds potting mix and one-third compost mixture. Then add fertilizer used in the vegetable according to packet instructions.
- After this, plant one or two peppers per container. Dig the soil according to the root ball and after planting it, fill it with dirt on variables.
- Use a bamboo stake to support the Bell Pepper plant; bind it to a loose rope with the plant.
- Then put the container in a sunny place. Because this plant requires sunlight regularly for 6 to 8 hours.
- This plant needs moisture, so keep checking the moisture in the soil. Watering to maintain the moisture. Remember when watering, do not wet the foliage.
Shimla Mirch is easy to determine when you have to do the harvesting of pepper. When fruit gets 3 to 4 inches long when it’s harvested if the pepper some slim or small, it means the pepper is not mature. If the fruit is soggy, so leave it on the tree for a long time.
Pests and diseases bell pepper
Aphids, Flea Beetles, and Cucumber Mosaic viruses are the main insects.
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Happy gardening.
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