9 fast growing vegetables
These are the quick growing vegetables at home
9 fast growing vegetables | quick growing vegetables at home. When you want to plant vegetables in your kitchen garden, waiting a long time for harvest can discourage you. In such a situation, it is important to keep some special things in mind, you should choose crops that can give you quick and continuous production. Tomato chili and coriander are some such vegetables that are used in the kitchen every day and they are also continuously produced. Before starting an edible garden, be aware of the crops that grow for a long time.
It does not take time from spring to fall for all the vegetables to mature, check the harvest time before starting the garden. If you live in short growing season areas, then you are not worried, there are many options. In our article, we are telling you about the 6 fastest growing vegetables.
1. Pak choi (Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis)
Pak choi is a type of Chinese cabbage, also known as bok choy. Chinese cabbage is a quick and easy crop, its leaves and whole plants are used in Asian cuisine. People also eat Pak Choy raw in a salad, it is made with fried or lightly boiled vegetables. Harvesting of Chinese cabbage depends on the variety. The standard varieties of bok choi are about 12 -24 inches and the baby leaf matures from 10 to 20 cm. Young and tender plants are used as fresh salads or lightly fried. The bok choy matures in about 45 to 60 days depending on the variety.
Common name Pak choi, Bok choy, Pak Choy, Chinese cabbage
Sun required Partial shed
Zone 2-13

2. Kale (Brassica oleracea)
Kale is a Hardy cool-season crop that is a part of the Cauliflower family. This perennial vegetable grows in most spring and fall. People use blacks for salads or garnishes. It also has many health benefits. Kale is rich in minerals and vitamins A and C. Kale can grow any time from early spring to early summer. If you apply late summer, then you can harvest it in the fall, till the ground does not freeze in the winter. Well-drained and light soil is best for this. Place its seeds of 1/2 to 1/4 in depth. Its plants require water on a regular basis. When the leaves of kale become equal to the hand, then it is ready for harvesting.
Common name kale
Sun required Full sun, Partial shed
Zone 7-10
3. Spinach (Spinacia oleracea)
The spinach is another fast growing vegetables, it is a leafy vegetable whose leaves come in large size. Spinach plants prefer full sun, although they produce satisfactorily in partial shadows too. It is also known as palak, it is growing at the beginning of winter. Spinach is perfectly happy in organic manure, well-drained rich soil, and grows very well in its presence. This 6.5 – 7 pH soil is suitable and producible twice a year.
Common name Spinach
Sun required Full Sun / Partial Shade
Zone 3- 9
4. Radishes (Raphanus sativus)
Spring and fall are the best time to plant radish crop but it should not be planted in summer. It grows very easily but proper care radish needs to know the following tips for continuous production. If you desire it in your patio or container can also.
The radish plant has an edible root, which is from the Brisicaceae family. It has many varieties, varying in size, color and taste. It is a hardy cool-season vegetable and grows very quickly. Radish is the fast growing vegetables and matures in about 20-22 days, due to which many crops are taken.
Common name Radish
Sun requires Full Sun
Zone 2-10
5. Turnip
Turnip is a root vegetable Like beets. It is used for both greens and bulbs. Its crops mature in about 2 months, so you can get more than one crop in the weather. In cold weather, its bulbs perform well in 60 degrees F, so people like to plant early spring and autumn crops. This very old root vegetable, which is being grown for almost 3,000 years. Turnip is grown in biennial or annual form and its young roots are eaten, usually, it is cut within six or eight weeks. It is quick growing vegetables at home, harvest according to your need, first pull the small and complete root.
Common name Turnip
Sun requires Full Sun
Zone 3-9
6. Lettuce (Lactuca sativa)
Lettuce is actually free from insects and diseases, so you can produce more with less care. If you want to enjoy fresh and organic farming, then you can grow salad in three seasons in spring, summer, and fall. Lettuce likes cooler temperatures, so it is better to grow it in the early spring or fall. I think it is more appropriate to grow in the spring. It is the fast growing vegetables, it takes about 21 days from sowing to harvest.
Common name Lettuce, Salad
Sun required Full Sun/ Part sun
Zone 4-9
7. French Beans (Phaseotus Vulgaris)
French Beans are also known as green beans. It is mainly native to South America, it spread to England outside the land of Europe in the sixteenth century. Some people say it was brought by the refugees during the reign of Elizabeth 1. Many species of french beans are available, which are for a variety of sizes, colors, and growing habits. Dwarf French Beans does not require any support because of compact habits. It is easier to grow than other crops and can face dry conditions. Despite not having a good crop, they maintain the reproductive capacity of the soil due to the nitrogen formed on the roots. It is also a quick growing vegetables at home, it takes about 50 days from sowing to harvest. Read more.
Common name French Beans, Green Beans, Bush beans
Sun required Full Sun
Zone 3-10
8. Zucchini (Cucurbita)
Zucchini or courgette is a summer squash, whose length is one meter. In the British Isles, a full-grown zucchini is referred to as a marrow. Zucchini plant needs to grow in full sunlight. With rich compost and moist soil, it grows well. The length of the plant about 2 feet (60 centimeters) occurs. The germination of the seed is ready in 1 week and crop 12 weeks. The plant is known for an abundance of zucchini harvesting. Zucchini is a fast growing vegetable, 45 to 55 days in plants begin to flower.
Common name Zucchini
Sun requires Full sun
Zone 3-11
9. Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus)
The plant and its seed pods are also known as “lady’s fingers”. It is a perennial plant, the okra is growing annually in tropical and warm temperate climates. Okra plant is about 2 meters tall. The leaves are 10 to 20 centimeters long and are broad in size. Are its flowers 4 to 5 centimeters in diameter? The flowers have five petals, with yellow-white holding. Okra is the Pentagonal cross-section length. Many seeds are inside the fruit. Ladyfinger is native to Africa and its fruits are fibrous. The ladyfinger is quick growing vegetables at home and mature in 50 to 65 days.
Common name Okra, ladyfinger, Bhindi
Sun Full Sun
USDA Zone 6-11
fast growing vegetables, quick growing vegetables at home, Vegetables, perennial vegetables
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