09 best plants for bathroom | Bathroom plants | shower plants

09 best plants for bathroom | Bathroom plants | shower plants

Bathroom plants

09 best plants for bathroom | Bathroom plants | shower plants.  A bathroom is a place where you spend some time, in such a way that the bathroom is lively and improving air quality is very useful. To make the bathroom a pleasant place, we are telling you some house plants that improve the air quality and decoration of the bathroom.

Your bathroom is high humidity and a warm room and is the perfect environment for indoor plants. These Bathroom plants ( shower plants) perform very well in low maintenance and bright indirect lighting. Water is always available in the bathroom and in such a situation, you can make it live by planting a plant. If there is a lack of light in your bathroom, you worry about it. You can bring favorable effects with fluorescent bulbs.

best plants for bathroom | Bathroom plants | shower plants
Image credit Carousell

01. China doll plants

China doll plants are attractive for interiors in any house, these evergreen trees are native to China and Taiwan. If planted outside, you can go up to the feet in your ideal conditions. The china doll plant is a suitable plant for bathrooms, but it should have the necessary growing conditions to flourish. If you have proper light and humidity in your bathroom then this plant can grow very well. Leaf drop is common in China doll plants if the growing situation is not right.

You can apply it near your bathroom window, for these shower plants bright, indirect sunlight, moisture, And well-drained soil is required.

Scientific name                        Radermachera sinica

Common name                         China doll plants

Plant                                              Indoor plants

best plants for bathroom | Bathroom plants | shower plants

02 Peperomia

Peperomia plants grow at a slower rate, requiring less care. It has more than 1,000 known species, its leaves are thick and fleshy which is why these plants are drought tolerant. These are very attractive houseplants due to the highly ornamental leaves.

The shape of this plant is compact, due to which it is suitable for narrow spaces, shelves, or terrarium. Peperomia does not require direct sunlight, so this Bathroom plant serves well in places like the bathroom.  The mature peperomia plant growing indoors has a maximum length of 13 -14 inches. Some of its varieties can be displayed as hanging plants.

Scientific name                         Peperomia pellucida

Common name                         Baby rubber plant, pepper elder, radiator plant, shining bush plant

Plant                                              Indoor plants

best plants for bathroom | Bathroom plants | shower plants | indoor plants

03 Tillandsia (Air Plant)

Tillandsia (Air Plant) is the most suitable bathroom plants, as these plants can soak up the necessary moisture from the bathroom. Air plants do not require planters or potting mixes. Water and other nutrients plants absorb from the air, these plants can tolerate many types of conditions, they prefer indirect bright light and high humidity. Therefore, if you apply it near the bright light window in the Bathroom, it is most suitable.

Scientific name                         Tillandsia ionantha

Common name                         air plants, sky plants

Plant                                              Indoor plants

best plants for bathroom | Bathroom plants | shower plants | indoor plants

04. Orchids

Orchids are primarily herbaceous (nonwoody), although some species could also be vines, vine-like, or somewhat shrubby. Orchidaceae have an excellent ecological distribution when the whole family is taken into account. Although the family is primarily tropical, a variety of species found within the northern and southern temperate zones. Look beyond the beautiful bloom when deciding which orchid flower plants to grow indoors. First, assess the growing conditions you’ll offer an orchid, and make your choice from there. Light, temperature, humidity, watering tendencies, and fertilizing all play an essential role in growing orchids. Read more.

The condition inside the bathrooms is mostly moist and hot, which is a favorable environment for these attractive plants. Orchids prefer to grow in the bark instead of soil and prefer the moisture of this material, but should not be wet.

Scientific name                         Orchidaceae

Common name                         orchids

Plant                                              Indoor plants

best plants for bathroom | Bathroom plants | shower plants | indoor plants

05. Golden Pothos

Pothos plant has a multitude of common names including golden pothos, ivy arum, money plant, silver vine, and hunter’s robe it has heart-shaped leaves. It’s a hardy plant that can survive in poor light and colder temps and is great for offices, vertical gardens, and homes bathrooms.  In temperate regions, it is a popular houseplant. It specializes in easy climbing or hanging, and can easily go up to 20 feet in length. Pothos is an exceptionally beautiful and low-maintenance vine that can make a bathroom come alive by placing it on a hanging basket or shelf.

Scientific name                         Epipremnum aureum

Common name                         Money plant, pothos golden pothos, or devil’s ivy.

plant type                                   Houseplant

best plants for bathroom | Bathroom plants | shower plants

06. Lucky bamboo

Lucky bamboo hard stalks can survive well in water or soil.  People believe that in the place it grows it brings good fortune and good luck. It is also believed that happiness and prosperity increase as it grows and is an important part of Feng shui. Lucky bamboo plants come from China and Taiwan the most. Professional producers give different shapes from their stalks through twist and spiral, which is valued by the ratio of the design and number of stalks. Lucky Bamboo thrives 8-11 hardiness zone. The lucky bamboo survives very well inside the house, people keep it in their drawing room as a houseplant.
We suggest that Lucky Bamboo is the best bathroom plant for you, which performs well in low maintenance and low light.

Scientific name                         Dracaena braunii

Common name                         Lucky bamboo

plant type                                   Houseplant

best plants for bathroom | Bathroom plants | shower plants

07.  Snake plants

Snake plants or mother-in-law’s tongue is a popular houseplant with the least care. The height of its leaves ranges from one to eight feet. It is also easy to apply for the novice gardener. Snake plants are special because of the leaves, its leaves are like snakes, smoothed, and waxy. Due to simple nature and less care, there is an attractive gift for inside the house and office. This plant can die only by excessive water and the roots are rotten.

The snake plant is an easy-to-care luxurious bathroom plant, which performs well under any moisture level and in bright indirect light.

Botanical Name                        Sansevieria trifasciata

Common name                         Snake plant, mother-in-law’s tongue

Plant type                                   Houseplant

best plants for bathroom | Bathroom plants | shower plants

08. Wandering Jew plant

Wandering Jew roots very easily remove the soil or in water, Best Indoor plant for growing in water. Before cutting well water should be one or two day mother wandering Jew plant, the plant becomes tense and drained away. The mother plant cuts a section 3 to 6 inches a long piece. The very rapid growth, and the place where it touches the ground roots come out. Remove the leaves from the cutting top of the node. Keep at least two leaves at the top of the cutting. Throw the cutting put in a glass or jar filled with water. Place the jar near the sunny window. High humidity levels and bright indirect light tolerant plants are great bathroom alternative plants.

Scientific name                         Tradescantia zebrina

Common name                         Wandering Jew Plant

plant type                                   Indoor plants

best plants for bathroom | Bathroom plants | shower plants

09. Anthurium

Anthurium is very popular for its brightly colored flowers and their decorative leaves. It is originally a tropical perennial plant coming to Mexico, it contains large heart-shaped flowers and bright dark green leaves. With proper care, these plants can bloom throughout the year. These flowers are white, pink, red, cream, or green color which can last for about 8 weeks after blooming. This plant constantly blooms in good conditions. This is a very beautiful Bathroom plant, shower plants. Anthurium plants perform well in high humidity levels and bright indirect lighting and create a charm for your bathroom.

Scientific name                         Anthurium spp.

Common name                         Tail flowers, Anthurium, Flamingo flower

Plant type                                   Houseplants

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best plants for bathroom | Bathroom plants | shower plants | indoor plants